Teacher of science Gwen McPhail

Susun interviews
Gwen McPhail

Gwen "J. Stanion" McPhail was a National Board Certified teacher of science and taught a diverse course load from Food Science to Physics and from 7th grade Life Science to High School Livestock Production for 31 years. She retired to spend more time with her family on the farm and to have more time to be involved in her community. Gwen served on her local County Planning Commission and continues to serve on the board of a small agricultural non-profit. She spent three years during and after Covid to prepare and market her manuscript for "My Place Among Them". She continues to support the preservation of family farms in America, the practice of sourcing food locally and eating healthy.... Gwen believe in her mother's saying... "Pay your farmer, or you'll end up paying your doctor." Gwen McPhail's latest work is an opportunity to reflect on our past and present, to draw from the well of history and uncover life lessons that resonate more profoundly than ever in today's world. This literary time machine, "My Place Among Them," guides us through the annals of history and offers invaluable insights on resilience, cultural understanding, and the intricate workings of politics and bureaucracy.

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